Each of Wojciech’s business decisions is based on the philosophy that it is possible, indeed necessary, to help others at the same time as pursuing profitable business

Wojciech has featured 3 times in Forbes magazine, in connection with his visionary approach to business. He also regularly features in national rankings of the Most Influential Businessmen and is regularly invited to give keynote speeches at national and multinational conferences on topics about which he has acquired knowledge as part of his investment and owner-management experience. The fact that these include a variety of topics demonstrates the success of Wojciech’s strategy of learning every aspect of how his companies function.

Recent speeches have included topics such as Facilitating innovation through effective leadership in hospitals; Optimising Patient Experience and Addiction Care in UHNWI (Prague) and Establishing a Family Office & Preparing for a Multi-Generational Future (London). He has also been invited to join the WORLD.MINDS community and the Entrepreneurs’ Round Table (ERT).